Thursday, 26 January 2012

how to serve a meal properly

Many of us fail to realize that much of food's appeal lies in the manner it is offered to the guests. Even if the most exotic dishes have been readied, the people sitting down to the meal will fail to relish it the way they deserve to be, if no attention is given to serving these temptingly.

True, these days when life is a non-stop roller coaster ride, few of us have time to make an elaborate ceremony of a meal. Few dress for a meal, as in the old days, or lay out the full complement of table cutlery while sitting down to dinner. There is less formality and a lot of casual manners on display when food is served.

Nevertheless a few distinctive touches can make the meal look not just appetizing but very special too, making your guests feel important and cherished. It is wise to invest in attractive utility tableware. Pretty ceramic bowls, dainty none china saucers, artistic serving dishes.... anything you come across any at a sale, snap them up. It is really amazing how much these contribute towards making a meal look grand and appetizing.

Every home should have an assortment of eye catching food serving paraphernalia to help out when the fare is simple.

Another thumb rule which is often ignored is cleanliness. The table should be spic and span, and if a table cloth is used, it should be spotlessly clean. Napkins must be laundered and sweet smelling. Drops of gravy from an earlier meal or crumpled appearances simply show you up as a sloppy home maker, or worse still, that you do not care much for your guests. The simplest of table linen when washed and ironed looks great at a meal.

Cutlery should be given an extra rinse to make it sparkle. Grimy spoon handles and dirt in the fork tines are a definite no-no. Plates should be checked for cracks and all glasses should be free of smells and finger prints.

The best way of removing food smells from plates and glasses is to rinse them in soapy water with a dash of vinegar.

Do check the chairs kept in readiness for the dinners. These should be cleaned and polished to gleam invitingly. Remove wobbly chairs. Borrow a few from your neighbour if you have too few for it can be embarrassing to have inadequate seating arrangements.

Even a sparse meal will look festive if the table is decorated with a few artistic touches. A bowl of flowers can add the special effect but do take care to see that the blooms do not scatter pollen on the food. It is advisable to keep the flower center-piece low so that guests can see and talk across the table.

A silver bowl of fruit or nuts can also comprise the center piece. Center stage can even be occupied by some exquisite curio.

If you are planning a special meal for your boyfriend or husband, there is nothing as romantic as a candlelight dinner. An elaborate candelabrum holding several candles throwing their mellow light on the gleaming tableware can present an exquisite sight.

Bowls of flowers all around the room, jars of fragrant pot potpourri, verdant indoor plants, a discreet incense stick exuding a mild perfume, all add a special effect to the dining area. To remove cooking odors, use the exhaust fan or spray the home with an air freshening spray.

Do give heed to the sensitivity of your guest. If for instance, you have a few staunch vegetarians in your assembly who blanch even at the sight of boiled egg, it is best to avoid strong smelling meat dishes in your menu even if you have other vegetarians fare for them

Beef and fish dishes are best avoided altogether, the first for not hurting religious sentiments and the second for not turning delicate stomachs with its strong distinctive odor.

A seasoned hostess will keep the conversation at the table pleasant and cheerful by carefully steering off controversial topics away from her guests. Smooth en ruffed, feelings and be considerate of the shy guest who will need to be drawn into taking part in table talk.

Religion and politics are volatile subjects which should be skirted around at a meal, for these can raise tempers and end up in ugly brawls which spoil the mood of the whole gathering.

Most meals are served in the buffet style these days for want of space in modern homes. Buffet meals can be laid on the main table or on side boards. In the latter case, guests serve themselves and sit at the dining table or in other suitable places.

Importantly prepare your guest lists with care so that your invitees have something in common between them to facilitate easy conversation. It is unwise to club an elderly couple with teenagers at a meal table although admittedly, sometimes the most incongruous of partners get along like wildfire.

If you are planning a sit down meal, plan your seating arrangements with care so that neighbors can talk together amicably. The host and hostess should gently guide the guests to the seats earmarked for them.

A relaxed host and hostess offer the perfect atmosphere for the meal, organization and planning will ensure that the two are ready for their guests with everything under control.

There is nothing more disconcerting for guests than seeing tired, frazzled hosts who make it seem as if they have slaved at the meal.

Calling friends over for a meal is not so much for the food as for the socializing it involves. When the atmosphere is warm, caring and affectionate, guests feel welcomed and go away feeling completely satiated not just in body but in the spirit as well.

So, do remember to add these special embellishments to your meal for they are guaranteed to make your visitors vote you the best hostess they have encountered.